An update from our previous posting about the tragic accident that took the life of 5 year old Blake Cohorn. (Clink Here for link to previous post).
The Cohorn Family was involved in a head on traffic accident, in which Blake was killed and his parents were both injured. The Cohorn Family has medical expenses, funeral expenses, and other expenses that directly relate to this tragic accident that was caused by a drunk driver, who was driving without a license. Additionally, the family, being injured from the accident has lost wages and bills that now will be difficult to pay due to the lost income from being injured.
Donations to the fund to help the family in this time of financial crisis can be sent to:
The Blake Cohorn Trust at 5th/3rd Bank Account No. 9380835729 1580 Leestown Road Lexington, KY 40511
This law firms analysis of the situation is that the Cohorn family or their representative should be in contact with their auto insurance company and reserve all PIP-No Fault coverage so that those amount under their policy won’t be exhausted by the hospital bills. Such insurance moneys can be used by the Cohorn family to help cover lost wages due to the family’s injuries. Additionally, $1,000.00 of the PIP insurance monies can be used to help with the funeral bills.
This is a case where it is not likely that the Drunk Driver had auto insurance, because he was driving without a drivers license. As such the insurance can be complicated and other policies will have to be examined to attempt to provide the Cohorn Family with insurance coverage to cover this accident. The family will need to seek the expertise of an attorney to help them in this time of complex legal and insurance matters.
For more information on PIP-No Fault insurance coverage and how persons injured or killed in Kentucky auto accidents can seek insurance coverage when the at fault party does not have insurance and/or not enough insurance, call the Ackerson Law Offices and Brent T. Ackerson at (502) 882-5176 or visit our website by clicking here.