Boating and other accidents can occur on Kentucky Lakes, such as Lake Cumberland. Accidents can occur from everything from operating water crafts negligently, to alcohol related accidents, to even swimming accident. Just this week, 34 year old Kevin Short died while swimming, due to electricity being run from an extension chord. Mr. Short’s wife and child were there at the time, and Mr. Short heroically saved his child from the deadly electricity, which cost him his life in the process. Tragically Mr. Short leaves behind a wife and three children. Our thoughts are with his family, and we salute his bravery in saving his child.
Tragedies related to lakes, boating, and swimming, can often be avoided by taking extra precautions. However, even when precautions are taken, accidents still happen. As with all accidents, the legal question is always what if anything could have been done to prevent it or lessen the effects from it. Then the question becomes how can the injured or the family, be legally assisted in their time of financial loss due to the accident. Financially losses include medical bills, lost wages, pain & suffering, permanent injury, emotional trauma, and in cases of deaths, funeral expenses and a lifetime of lost earning potential for families.
Accidents don’t just involve emotions, but also have a devastating financial side. It is the financial side to accidents that the law is able to help and bring monetary assistance to the suffering victims of accidents. Many times this involves insurance policies where money has been paid to insurance companies to help insure against financial losses due to accidents. These types of claims should not be viewed as greedy by victims, but rather as a means of victims of accidents being able to try to financially recovery some of their losses from an accident. To not make a claim for such insurance monetary help that has already been paid for by the insured, whose negligence may have caused or contributed to the accident occurring, is further injury to the family or person who has suffered due to the accident. By not maximizing insurance recoveries, the financial hardship upon the victims can continue to causing future hardship and suffering and the insurance companies just keep what should have been paid out as profits for their shareholders.
For more information on the rights of victims, related to insurance coverage for accidents, contact Attorney Brent T. Ackerson & the Ackerson Law Offices. (502) 882-5176 or